How to Add Keywords and Meta Tags to Blogger Posts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a key role in a blog’s success. Now a time has come when mere writing skills cannot help you achieve success. You need to put extra efforts to make your blog SEO friendly. Today I’m going to show you how to add keywords and meta tags to blogger posts. Meta tags play an important role in search engine ranking. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex use your post title and post meta description for ranking purpose. Therefore, it’s immensely important to use relevant keywords in your post title and meta description to rank high in search results.
You can add meta tags to blogger posts by enabling tags onto your blogspot blog. Believe me this will boost your search engine ranking. It’s been seen that blog posts without post meta descriptions usually rank low in search results. You might also be wondering that after writing posts more than 300 words and putting your best efforts you still unable to bring you posts on the first page of Google ranking. As I mentioned earlier, one need to put extra efforts to rank high. On this blog, I teach you how to write rich content articles and how to make blogspot blog more SEO friendly. I’ve been using blogspot more than four years and I know well about its template structure and working.
add meta tags to blogger posts
What is post meta description?
Before enabling post meta description, you should know about it. Actually post meta description helps search engines to know your posts better. Search engines use your post title and post meta description to decide your ranking on search results. By adding post meta description to your posts, you help search engines to know about your articles and in returns search engines help you rank well.
Why should I add post meta tags to blogger posts?
I think, after reading above explanation, you already know why should you add meta description or meta tags to blogger posts. However, again for your information, if your post does not have meta description then search engines use words from your post to show as search description which is really very poor SEO practice. On the other hand, you add focused keywords to your post search description that search engines use to hike your ranking. Apart from that this thing compels a visitor to click on your link instead of others. So post meta description also helps visitors to decide whether your post has answer of their queries or not.
Let me show you how to add keywords and meta tags to blogger posts.

How to Add Keywords and Meta Tags to Blogger Posts

add meta tags to blogger posts
You might be missing one Search Description option (showing in the screenshot) onto your post editor section. You can enable this option and then you can use this option to add keywords and meta tags to blogger posts. Follow the next instructions to know how to add meta tags to blogger posts.
meta tags to blogger postsGet access to your Blogger dashboard. Then from the sidebar, select Settings and then click on Search preferences. Thereafter, under Meta tags, click on the radio button next to Yes and then hit Save changes button.
Next click on Edit and add meta description for your blog. Note: This search description will be shown under your blog title; not in posts.
Now refresh your page and go to post editor section there you can see Search description option. You can add up to 150 words in post meta description. Use focused keywords and write a compelling post meta description. Note: Don’t add more than 150 words to your search description because search engines show only 150 words under post title.
Now you’ve successfully enabled post meta tags onto your blog. Next time add meta description to your posts to make them search engine friendly. Also, you can add meta description to older posts by going to post editor.

How to add meta tags to blogger template –

You can also add meta tags like author, description, and keywords, to your blogger template. Though you don’t need to add them to your blogger blog, however, for your satisfaction you can add following meta tags to your blogger template’s head section.

<meta name="description" content="add your blog description here e.g. Blogging tips and tricks">

<meta name="keywords" content="add keywords for your blog e.g. Blogging, SEO, Make money online">
<meta name="author" content="add author name e.g. Sunil Kumar">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
Note: Change red texts before adding them to your blogger template.
As you may already know metadata is data about data that helps search engines to read an HTML document easily. In that way you’ve added your blog description in first meta tag so search engines can easily know what is your blog about.
Second, keywords, meta tag shows search engines that your page have information pertaining to following keywords. So add keywords related to your blog in that tag and add it to your blogger template section.
In third, author, tag you tell search engines that information available on this blog is provided by this writer/author.
Fourth, viewport, mata tag, which is a very important tag, makes your blogger template responsive. If you’ve added this tag to your head section then your blogger theme will automatically adapt all screen sizes. Note: This tag does not work on mobile devices if you’ve set default mobile template on your blogger.

How to add meta tags to Blogger template

Copy above tags and from the blogger sidebar click on Theme. Then click on “Edit HTML” and then click anywhere inside the HTML section and press Ctrl+F. Search for following tag </head>.add meta tags to blogger posts blogspot
Now add above tags just above the end head tag and hit Save theme button.
Note: Please backup your Blogger theme first. In case you make any mistake then you can easily restore your blogspot blog.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully added meta tags to blogger posts and blogger theme.
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